Thursday, March 26, 2009

Our " Mata" got new car

I wasn't Ready to make entry today..
but i read this on newspaper and caught my attention on it..
which i guess is very interesting and funny at the same time. . . for me.

Our mata going to use this Mitsubishi evolution X as our nation patrol car. (゚〇゚;)?? exactly!

So our " mata" will have a faster patrol car to chase other! So now they can drive faster. block you anytime.. make sense
As info there only have like 10 unit or something..which is crap. I was though the whole klang valley change to this..then it will be more interesting. But why don't they choose Subaru WRX ? =D if they really do.................................
" wei 'bang...boleh tumpang tak?"


Anonymous said...

Dream on dream on..owez subaru subaru,get over it lah.
nice to see some improvement? :)

ee5y said...

ah moi tumpang i punya kelisa mau ke tak?