Internet Explorer 7 is totally owned! I guess? Well IE7 used to be my favorite web browser, unfortunately, it’s taking time to load a page, ( or maybe just my internet speed?) not just that, it also eating up a lots space for some reason, is there any IT geek answer me this question ? loll
And then I move to Firefox, I never thought Firefox is this good until I download it, it load my page faster than ever, impress me, and it wasn’t eating up space when browse the web. I wasn’t feel safe when I using Firefox though, because for some reason my Norton 360 antivirus thingy wasn’t protected it. But YESTERDAY, my beloved Norton finally updates with new version and my Firefox finally is under protected and so I can finally sleep well, I’m gay.
Finally, Google Chrome, ok la u go download yourself and find out, wasn’t bad, but maybe it still beta and not much function can use yet, I find it cool as in look like this..LOL, I find it bad because very not convenience to use, maybe just beta version.
My conclusion is, IE7 is owned.
My work is not too bad, time passes very fast when you keep talking on the phone with the customer. Some customer is cute, some customer is funny, some customer is annoying, some customer is pissing me off..There a woman calls up, asking loads of question, and so at the end of the conversation, she randomly asks me if I’m Christian? So I say yes, and she continues saying “good to talk with someone like you, and God bless you….AWwww...She totally makes my day! (For me is something really nice ma! )
ok I got nothing to blog actually,
tired de going to sleep at 10pm sharp! Good bye + Good night!