Tuesday, September 23, 2008


First of all I would like to present thissssss…Yes! Is the new Google Chrome...

Internet Explorer 7 is totally owned! I guess? Well IE7 used to be my favorite web browser, unfortunately, it’s taking time to load a page, ( or maybe just my internet speed?) not just that, it also eating up a lots space for some reason, is there any IT geek answer me this question ? loll

And then I move to Firefox, I never thought Firefox is this good until I download it, it load my page faster than ever, impress me, and it wasn’t eating up space when browse the web. I wasn’t feel safe when I using Firefox though, because for some reason my Norton 360 antivirus thingy wasn’t protected it. But YESTERDAY, my beloved Norton finally updates with new version and my Firefox finally is under protected and so I can finally sleep well, I’m gay.

Finally, Google Chrome, ok la u go download yourself and find out, wasn’t bad, but maybe it still beta and not much function can use yet, I find it cool as in look like this..LOL, I find it bad because very not convenience to use, maybe just beta version.

My conclusion is, IE7 is owned.

My work is not too bad, time passes very fast when you keep talking on the phone with the customer. Some customer is cute, some customer is funny, some customer is annoying, some customer is pissing me off..There a woman calls up, asking loads of question, and so at the end of the conversation, she randomly asks me if I’m Christian? So I say yes, and she continues saying “good to talk with someone like you, and God bless you….AWwww...She totally makes my day! (For me is something really nice ma! )

And, there one old man, sound like an old man for me though, about 50ish I guess, he call up at least 5 times a day, to asking the same question, or some random question, is annoying but slowly we find it very funny and cute. Hahaha

ok I got nothing to blog actually,
tired de going to sleep at 10pm sharp! Good bye + Good night!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


- Singapore & Aussie Trip with soulmate
- re-stock dress to my wardrobe
- Get my hair done ( after i get my 1st month salary)
- looking forward to my first birthday with the boy friend
- be a humble self..

Not easy to achieve all of them, but try to save up some money, and work harder!
happy working everyone! let's work hard together to get what we want :)
GB everyone

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Day 7

开始新工作已有七天了。。 在短短七天内, 发生不少事情,不同的体验。。
工作的朋友们, 都不错,感觉我有点不好意思。。因为我说话还蛮放的。。 :p
现在还算enjoy和有点兴趣。。不知之后的日子呢?hmmm...we'll wait and see


是我多心, 还是忧心他?我也不知。。

也不知为和, 最近都blog华语, 有点怪吧?


Saturday, September 6, 2008

有时候, 真的不太懂自己要什么...
我想是我太自私。。但想想。。自私是我太爱他, 还是什么的。。我自己也搞不清楚!怎么办?
我知道我要求“可能”有点过分。。但过分是因太想他在自己身边, 想他的时间都留给自己,想见他,太想念他, 想他时时刻刻都在我身边,好想他都是属于自己的。。 这些可能对他来说真的太过分。。

无时无刻, 都想起他, 喜欢他抖我开心, 喜欢他在我身边陪着我。。好喜欢他心情好好的。。喜欢他牵着我的手。。喜欢他轻轻的吻我的额头。。

但。。他太多亲朋好友, 时间多数都给了他们。。
我呢? hmmm...

对男人来说这是 :没自由
对我来说这是:太爱你, want you bad



无论发生什么事, 你都会在我身旁。。谢谢你

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day

Today! is the day that i started my new job!
nothing much to do on the first day as usual..but looking forward for training and start handle some job..:)

The working place wasn't bad..free breakie, and employee often will get freebie, got my freebie today from hp..lol.a clock.look cool..My bro already took it ..wtf
but looking for more freebies for coming day..haha

Just find ppl in the office not as friendly tho..well..im not goin there for making friends..plus im just work as temporary..but i still prefer the previous company..altho is far..but i love the people and the place more..

After work..boyfriend come and pick me up..n went for dinner (DELIcious cafe,at the marc residence ..)

My dinner
the boyfriend - which I order for him, and he don't like it just becoz he lazy to eat spaghetti.. but his dish is damn nice ok!!)
yup..he hate spaghetti, but he didn't tell me..! here his grumpy face..lol

Ta pau Subway sandwiches for tomorrow lunch... :x ...yummy
can't wait till tomorrow lunch time den..lol wtf...
I know is not fresh sandwiches by tomorrow but I can't find any nearer subway without walking like 10-15min.. 5min is even too much for me coming down from 18th floor..

p/s: no pict from myself T-T ..will take picture of my lovely shoe..damn lovely ok!

...oh by the way..i didn't score A for my final sem paper...i admit im not smart :D
**my family is good, everyone trying to work thing out..i will keep praying.